Using the Cobain Univox clone pickup with an Unearthly Ghast, HM-2 clone, pedal, squealed like a pig, even on the tamest settings. Well the setup was different I usually gain stack from an overdrive pedal into a big muff into a clean channel. The best results for the HM-2 type pedals is the reverse. Run the HM-2 into a highly distorted channel on the tube amp. This produces the massive chainsaw sound. Can’t obtain this sound chain stacking the classic way. I definitely need to wax the pickups. So removed the pickup from Cobain #1 to wax it up and ran some analysis tests afterwards. Wax potting was pretty simple, just takes awhile to melt with a crock pot. The temperature was around 160°F and I used a full pound of beeswax. I also bought some more paraffin wax from Walfart, way cheaper than Amazon.
I compared the analysis to what I had before. Loaded was similar but no load resonant peak was drastically different. Also DC resistance went down a hair. Hopefully when I install, it will be have less squealing.