Dismantled the Phase III and mustang. Phase III uses B500k mini pots, ordered some on amazon. Will trace pickguard tomorrow and design that intersection of Univox Control plate and Mustang Vinyl. Worried about stability of record. Cobain had the the vinyl record overlap it but not going to do that, I’m gonna try to fit that switch in there. Customer will pull toggle switch from a Phase IV to use, I may also wire it up, it will add capacitance but probably not noticeable, but might as well add the accuracy. The Univox Phase III is amazing, going try and find one to grab. My pickups will be designed with same specs. My rig sounds amazing with it, without even tweaking anything. Talking to Ken Willmott to get the integrator to get better resonant peak readings. Super nice guy. Pretty certain I want to put these in my guitars. I will definitely test the sound of Phase pickup when in mustang. The squier Mustang I made soundn’t ok but not as magical as the univox. Maybe related to eastwood copy pickup or the fact that pickup location was different.