Ural 650 white multiscale offset guitar, added zero fret

Added Zero Fret= should allow players to use whatever guage strings they want without having to worry about modifying the nuts.

Added better knobs, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081NFQ7V2/?coliid=I3LJ4EOZITYHR8&colid=28IAS7XBZGFIH&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

White switchcraft switches, hopefully it’s mount securely

stainless steel .002 jescar frets. will update the tuner to staggered toneninja locking tuners.

I did research about adding a jazzmaster style tremolo. Mastery and Staytrem are sold out or don’t sell to America. Also found a black one on ebay, but not sure of quality. Even the stew mac version had bad reviews. Also I would have to dramatically change the design more toward a les paul style where the neck is tilted. Someone does make a low profile bridge https://www.fredguitar.com/en/gibson-type/45191-goldo-low-rider-bridge.html. But they are sold out.
