My LFOS are too wild?! Have to tame the LFOs a bit? Checking out some of the popular analog ring mod pedals like ringworm and Randy’s Revenge. Trying to be different but at same time usable. Fairfield one is just amazing. Not sure if their square is that hard. Scale Offset down to .25. Can still get pretty wild but unlike my other patches. This one is a little more subtle but ultimately more usable. Crossover blend for the Triangle and Round Sawtooth power shape. Tried square but was way too noisy and got annoying pretty quickly even with LPF lowered, had an annoying click. Not sure I implemented it right though, but rounded sawtooth sounds different. The Slow Clean blend tremolo controlled and synced to POT 0, tamed this a bit too. Should be better for cleans also since the volume kind pumps like a sidechain compression. This replaces the first ring mod patch I did, just had to salvage that one. Just too many bad sounds in original. This one sounds much cleaner. Safer ring mod but can get wild. The blend adds a different taste.
POT 0 Ring Mod Frequency/Volume Tremolo Speed
POT 1 Ring Mod LPF
POT2 TRIANGLE/Rounded Sawtooth Blend, full left triangle/ full right hard sine/ middle blended
Recorded new test demo for spincad. Slightly raised to about -4db gain. In case someone has active pickups. More dynamic playing up and down neck. Also Spincad seems to still have the control panel bug, that’s why I’ve screenshotted the panels. Not sure what causes it, seems to randomly. Edit- cause is on some blocks. LPF and HPF blocks uneditable if you save it with control panel open. Also happens when you set the LPF HPF to the minimum and then close control panel and try to reopen. But not all blocks error like that. I’ll see if I can go through the blocks and provide info to Larry.
EDIT- After running audio to Ableton. The cube drive exaggerated the mid hump, had to remove. Also changed the low and high pass of the clean, allowing more in. Should compensate for the mid hump from ring mod. Could also try a mid scoop. Pot 1 really helpful in cutting highs.
So I think the Rounded Sawtooth LFO from Power block gives it that unique sound. One side of LFO is rounded and the other sharp. So it ramps asymmetrically. Has a Purring Cat quality. Same LFO also filters the clean blend but after the power block. This brings some clarity the to almost overdrive like Round Sawtooth. Balancing out much better and probably better for stacking drive pedals. Always better to stacks pedals with some clean blend to keep note definition. Trying to make this sounds usable. Ring Mod can get pretty hairy. Creating this digitally so much easier than doing it analog. Analog kind of limited to one or two LFOs. So maybe I need to push the digital LFOs and take advantage of the flexibility.
Edit- So the wave is called Hypersawtooth
Interesting read, I could also add an envelope I think. that lowers the waveform but keeps shape. Might be another way … Read the rest