Error connecting CH341(-1)
Had some troubleshooting issues. Power at IC5 wasn’t at 3.3v. LED kept flickering, had shorts in TL072.
Power was fluctuating at 1.5 to 5volts and wasn’t getting 9v either. Also usb connection wasn’t working for ASProgrammer.
Drivers were needed on my machine.
Tried first two here:
Also some noob issues, had LEDs reversed and wrong input pins on jacks. Overalll a great PCB, very solid for resoldering also, pads are solid.
I really like the USB ability, kind of future proofs it or lets user ability to add/edit own patches. Only issue is it only has 3 presets. Would love if Pedalpcb made a dev board with rotary switch for 8 presets.
Tag Archives: pedalpcb
FV-1 Development Board PedalPCB soldered

Soldered most of components for pedalpcb dev board. Not the greatest solder job on FV-1. Next one I’ll drag solder and add a ton of flux to it. Hopefully I didn’t burnout usb or fv-1 chip.
Spincad Designer Ring Mod Harmonic Tremolo Pitch Patch .spcd

This Ring Mod has a squarish wave lfo using power block on level 5. Clean path goes to pitch shift controlled by same lfo and pots for Ringmod, so they sync together. Really hypnotic sound. Syncing Ring Mod Frequency to LFO of Clean pitch shift. Very responsive to playing. Could probably add a delay or reverb for pot2.