Yeah I know slow updates, been finishing past projects, will post images later. Learning rhino for 3d modeling, it’s really powerful, not just for making toolpaths. I can really model everything and use it for a design tool, can also calculate weight. So I’m learning to model all the parts.
Decided that I love the HSS setup, I can get spanky tones like position 4 of a strat but also the heavyness of a paf, in bridge. Not sure if I can get a PAF sound of a p90 though even if I match the dc resistance and inductance and resonant frequency of a paf. Love the sound of a prails p90. Got some data from antigua. Copied some data, so I can compare to my own tests.
Map City guitar- Tried to make 24 fret version but it looked too funky and upper frets were not easy to reach without modifying the whole body, which Iv’e really grown to like. 22 frets looked better, also the neck pickup on 24 would definitely mess up the tone, I’d have to overwind the pickup to cut the extra treble.
Other updates, got a mojotone winder pickup. Another rabbit hole. But I can save user money by winding my own. Really thinking about noiseless single coil pickups, really easy to do. I can also split them like on a spectrum guitar. I can make it stereo but that would take the noiseless out of it. It’s basically a humbucker in a single coil frame, with RWRP wired in series. You can wire dpdt switches to split the bass end strings on neck and the treble (unwound). I heard this on the spectrum guitar, sounded really awesome. sorry janky wiring diagram I quickly did in google keep lol.
Other wip ideas, Piezo neck pocket preamp for electric/acoustic guitar, Made a test guitar and ordered parts, thinking about cutting a pcb board based on video below. Just not sure how I would mix active and passive pickups, I definitely want a paf in bridge. Debating this project, just don’t like the idea of the 9v.
Confirmed that these will sound badass, do not hear any phasing issues between 3 and 4 strings probably 43 or 44awg wire. Bipolar pickups are badass. Contacted Bipolar, maybe collab with them, asked if they’ve thought about a noiseless stereo type pickup like on a Teisco Spectrum.