Easel Pro Plunge code dissection- Dirty as fuck

Trying to dissect the gcode for the Easel Pro plunge. I do notice the curved plunge in Camotics, it’s very slight, not sure if this would prevent tips from breaking. I noted how dirty the easel pro generated code was. A single curved fret that I generated from the G2/G3 arc commands is only 24 lines. The single fret non curved straight line from Easel Pro generated 100-110 lines. Not efficient at all. The straight plunge code generated 1 line of a single plunge command and the 40 degree ramp plunge generated 2 lines per stepdown, which is clean. Something I could do just drawing curved line from the fret ends. I’m gonna try cutting without the plunge for now and revisit if If I start breaking endmills.

G1 Z0.15000 F9.0
G0 X0.46630 Y18.32419
G1 Z0.00000 F15.0
G1 X0.47800 Y18.31698 Z-0.00500 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.01000 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G1 X2.27613 Y17.20905 Z-0.01500 F15.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 Z-0.02000 F15.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 F20.0
G1 X0.47800 Y18.31698 Z-0.02500 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.03000 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G1 X2.27613 Y17.20905 Z-0.03500 F15.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 Z-0.04000 F15.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 F20.0
G1 X0.47800 Y18.31698 Z-0.04500 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.05000 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G1 X2.27613 Y17.20905 Z-0.05500 F15.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 Z-0.06000 F15.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 F20.0
G1 X0.47800 Y18.31698 Z-0.06500 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.07000 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G1 X2.27613 Y17.20905 Z-0.07500 F15.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 Z-0.08000 F15.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 F20.0
G1 X0.47800 Y18.31698 Z-0.08500 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.09000 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G1 X2.27613 Y17.20905 Z-0.09500 F15.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 Z-0.10000 F15.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 F20.0
G1 X0.47800 Y18.31698 Z-0.10500 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.11000 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G1 X2.27613 Y17.20905 Z-0.11500 F15.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 Z-0.12000 F15.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 F20.0
G1 X0.47215 Y18.32058 Z-0.12250 F15.0
G1 X0.46630 Y18.32419 Z-0.12500 F15.0
G1 X0.77537 Y18.13378 F20.0
G1 X1.08139 Y17.94517 F20.0
G1 X1.38754 Y17.75656 F20.0
G1 X1.69370 Y17.56796 F20.0
G1 X1.99986 Y17.37921 F20.0
G1 X2.28783 Y17.20185 F20.0
G0 Z0.15000
G0 X0.00000 Y0.00000
G4 P0.1

G1 Z0.15000 F9.0
G0 … Read the rest

Ural 650 white multiscale offset guitar, added zero fret

Added Zero Fret= should allow players to use whatever guage strings they want without having to worry about modifying the nuts.

Added better knobs, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081NFQ7V2/?coliid=I3LJ4EOZITYHR8&colid=28IAS7XBZGFIH&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

White switchcraft switches, hopefully it’s mount securely

stainless steel .002 jescar frets. will update the tuner to staggered toneninja locking tuners.

I did research about adding a jazzmaster style tremolo. Mastery and Staytrem are sold out or don’t sell to America. Also found a black one on ebay, but not sure of quality. Even the stew mac version had bad reviews. Also I would have to dramatically change the design more toward a les paul style where the neck is tilted. Someone does make a low profile bridge https://www.fredguitar.com/en/gibson-type/45191-goldo-low-rider-bridge.html. But they are sold out.
