Just bought this super cheap squier pbass with a jazz bridge pickup. I already replaced the bass humbucker with the pbass pickup I made in Roberto Venn class I took. Sounds a lot cleaner than the stock ceramic, which wasn’t too bad just lacked the chord clarity I like. The jazz pickup is super noisy it doesn’t hum cancel, going to attempt to split them sorta like artecs here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/282514580839
The youtube is a bit different he splits it in unequal halfs and adds more magnets to add inductance. I am just going to split it in half and wind it up to about 13.5k like the artecs. This is brighter bridge pickup I just want it to noise cancel when blending with neck pickup. If it were a neck I’d probably go experiment more but I don’t use that much. I just a touch of more brightness in the mix.
Bought the pickup kit from CEdist.com and cut it in half with bandsaw. Going to calculate the winds. In series adds the resistance’s together.
Finished the wind but it’s a bit underwound. Got up to about 8000 winds but still not enough, I would need 43 awg wire for it to get up to 8K or more. But when I tested in bass, it sounded ok, underwound to 5.5k but the hum is gone. Which is the main point. This bass has a weird passive blend. Doesn’t really act like a typical blend. Think I’ll keep the underwound bass. It’s a nice combo, give it a hint a chime when I dime the bass pickup and the sweetspot is about 7-8 on bridge pickup volume. Maybe I can install an active blend. I’m really liking this bass. Most fun slapping I’ve ever had on a bass.

Length 1.225″, Width .195″, Height .535″, Flange .6″ target 3675 ohms each
about 7882 turns for each coil total resistance should be around 7.35k based on antigua’s Fender custom 60’s analysis.
First coil came out to 3.3k 2nd coil came out to 2.2k. The second one got messed because I trying to lump wire together towards the middle of bobbin. I think that is what caused the lower results.