Spincad Code Dissection- Editing file to generate java based Spincad Blocks

@name ThreeTap
Name of block

@color “0x6060c4”
Color of block

@audioInput adcl Input
@audioInput feedback Feedback
Audio Inputs

@audioOutput output1 ‘Tap 1 Out’
@audioOutput output2 ‘Tap 2 Out’
@audioOutput output3 ‘Tap 3 Out’
Audio Outputs
output1, output2, output3 = reg0, reg1, reg2 from equ lines, normally in spinasm file.
Tap 1 Out, Tap 2 Out, Tap 3 Out, generated for control panel only, not normally in spinasm files. Used with @isPinConnected

@controlInput cIn1 ‘Delay Time 1’
@controlInput cIn2 ‘Delay Time 2’
@controlInput cIn3 ‘Delay Time 3’
@controlInput fbk ‘Feedback Gain’
Control input for pots
cln1, cln2, cln3, fbk, replace the pot0, pot1, pot2 in spinasm code. Because the pot choice is interchangeable or modular, you can set whatever pot to whatever control.
Delay Time 1, Delay Time 2, Delay Time 3, generated for CadBlock, not normally in spinasm files. Used with @isPinConnected

@sliderLabel inputGain ‘Input Gain: ‘ -24 0 0 1.0 1 DBLEVEL
@sliderLabel fbkGain ‘Feedback Gain: ‘ -24 0 -6 1.0 1 DBLEVEL
@sliderLabel delayLength ‘Delay Time (ms): ‘ 0 32767 16384 1 0 LENGTHTOTIME
Control panel sliders and buttons generates controlpanel .jav files
This only affects the visual number in Spincad, has no effect in real world use with pedal assembled. Once a file is edited/created in Eclipse then the java files are automatically created or edited when saved.

// establish the base address for this module
// then allocate the buffer
mem threeTap delayLength

// input connection must be there for any code to be generated
@isPinConnected Input
// read the input and write to base of delay line
@isPinConnected Feedback
rdax feedback,fbkGain
@isPinConnected ‘Feedback Gain’
mulx fbk
rdax adcl, inputGain
wra threeTap, 0.0

// tap 1 ———————————————————–

@isPinConnected ‘Tap 1 Out’
equ output1 reg0
or $7FFF00
@isPinConnected ‘Delay Time 1’
mulx cIn1
@getDelayScaleControl tap1Ratio delayLength delayOffset
wrax ADDR_PTR, 0
rmpa 1.0
wrax output1, 0.0
@setOutputPin ‘Tap 1 Out’ output1

// tap 2 ———————————————————–
@isPinConnected ‘Tap 2 Out’
equ output2 reg1
or $7FFF00
@isPinConnected ‘Delay Time 2’
mulx cIn2
@getDelayScaleControl tap2Ratio delayLength delayOffset
wrax ADDR_PTR, 0
rmpa 1.0
wrax output2, 0.0
@setOutputPin ‘Tap 2 Out’ output2

// tap 3 ———————————————————–
@isPinConnected ‘Tap 3 Out’
equ output3 reg2
or $7FFF00
@isPinConnected ‘Delay Time 3’
mulx cIn3
@getDelayScaleControl tap3Ratio delayLength delayOffset
wrax ADDR_PTR, 0
rmpa 1.0
wrax output3, 0.0
@setOutputPin ‘Tap 3 Out’ output3


@name ThreeTap
@color "0x6060c4"
@audioInput adcl Input 
@audioInput feedback Feedback
@audioOutput output1 'Tap 1 Out'
@audioOutput output2 'Tap 2 Out'  
@audioOutput output3 'Tap 3 Out'  
@controlInput cIn1 'Delay Time 1' 
@controlInput cIn2 'Delay Time 2'  
@controlInput cIn3 'Delay Time 3'  
@controlInput fbk 'Feedback Gain'

equ inputGain 1.0
@sliderLabel inputGain 'Input Gain: '  -24 0 0 1.0 1 DBLEVEL

equ fbkGain 0.5
@sliderLabel fbkGain 'Feedback Gain: ' -24 0 -6 1.0 1 DBLEVEL 

// total allocated memory buffer for this delay
// create a Control Panel with a Slider Label
equ delayLength 32767 
@sliderLabel delayLength 'Delay Time (ms): ' 0 32767 16384 1 0 LENGTHTOTIME
// tap 1 length in % (control panel value) 
//	'@sliderLabel' ename = ID controlName = ID (minVal = SPINDOUBLE maxVal = SPINDOUBLE initVal = SPINDOUBLE multiplier = SPINDOUBLE precision = INT (option = ID)?)?

equ tap1Ratio 0.85 
@sliderLabel tap1Ratio 'Tap 1 Time (%): '  0.0 1.0 0.85 1000.0 2  

// tap 2 length in % (control panel value)
equ tap2Ratio 0.60 
@sliderLabel tap2Ratio 'Tap 2 Time (%): ' 0.0 1.0 0.60 1000.0 2	
// tap 3 length in % (control panel value)
equ tap3Ratio 0.45 
@sliderLabel tap3Ratio 'Tap 3 Time (%): ' 0.0 1.0 0.45 1000.0 2

equ delayOffset -1

// establish the base address for this module
// then allocate the buffer
mem threeTap delayLength 

// input connection must be there for any code to be generated
@isPinConnected Input
// read the input and write to base of delay line
@isPinConnected Feedback
rdax feedback,fbkGain
@isPinConnected 'Feedback Gain'
mulx fbk
rdax adcl, inputGain
wra threeTap, 0.0

// tap 1 -----------------------------------------------------------

@isPinConnected 'Tap 1 Out'
equ   output1     reg0      
or $7FFF00
@isPinConnected 'Delay Time 1'
mulx cIn1
@getDelayScaleControl tap1Ratio delayLength delayOffset 
wrax ADDR_PTR, 0
rmpa 1.0
wrax output1, 0.0 
@setOutputPin 'Tap 1 Out' output1 

// tap 2 -----------------------------------------------------------
@isPinConnected 'Tap 2 Out'
equ   output2     reg1       
or $7FFF00
@isPinConnected 'Delay Time 2'
mulx cIn2
@getDelayScaleControl tap2Ratio delayLength delayOffset 
wrax ADDR_PTR, 0
rmpa 1.0
wrax output2, 0.0
@setOutputPin 'Tap 2 Out' output2

// tap 3 -----------------------------------------------------------
@isPinConnected 'Tap 3 Out'
equ   output3     reg2  
or $7FFF00  
@isPinConnected 'Delay Time 3'
mulx cIn3
@getDelayScaleControl tap3Ratio delayLength delayOffset
wrax ADDR_PTR, 0
rmpa 1.0
wrax output3, 0.0
@setOutputPin 'Tap 3 Out' output3


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