Renamed the pedal to Dancer. First pedal with new pcb worked. I made some change to general gadgets schematic. Might have been an error with A/B toggle leds. Switched the ground leds so that Loop A led corresponds to correct loop. Also swapped the LED behavior for bypass switch. The light now turns on when in bypass mode.
Plastic shoulder washers on 1/4 inch jacks were successful in removing ground loop. Kept the input jack to shield the chassis. Yet maybe a way to isolate the the power ground also? But I definitely hear a change in noise levels. The no bleed 4pdt works great also. No more bleeding of loops, which made hi gain pedals bleed to other channel. Really annoying. These issues plague the other A/B toggle loopers out their, including Loop Master and American Loopers and EX loop pedal on Amazon. Only I heard without this issue is the Boss LS-2, but that doesn’t have a master bypass switch. These all use 3pdt and the bleeding is apparent with big muff, hm-2, ds-1.
Rhinoceros 3d has support for single line fonts. The MecSoft_Font-1 font worked perfectly. This makes life easier and the engraving follows a path and is pocketed. In illustrator I would have to rasterize text and create the vectors manually, very time consuming. Minor issue with double line in “Y” character, easily fixed in Rhino. Not perfect but very helpful in getting the best engraving text results.
Also gonna work on a relay version for clickless toggles. Not entirely noticeable or annoying the click sound. Just want to see if it is possible. Also will redesign pcp to incorporate the 3pdt and 4pdt switches, would save me ton of time on wiring and removes many points of failure. Also may try stereo pcb jacks