New 43awg came in. Going to rewind the jazz bass bridge pickup I made for the Squier affinity bass. Attempting to raise the resistance from 5.5 to 10.5. Hopefully the new 43awg wire will help me. Aiming for 10.5 k (average for pbass humbucker)
Modified the bobbin dimensions a little bit
Length 1.23″, Width .1975″, Height .533″, Flange .602″
We will see how accurate the estimator is. Going to try 9428 “loose machine” setting.
I tried “tight scatter” last time and got 3.3k instead of 3.6. More turns needed I think, number between “loose machine” and “tight machine”.
First test with 9428 turns (loose machine) got about 5200 ohms instead of target 5500
2nd test on other coil (tight machine) 9809 turns equaled to about 5400 ohms total 10.6k ohms.
Much closer on 2nd test. Will try perfect machine setting for the other jazz bass pickup kits I ordered from donlis.
Results seem a little off (+/-300 ohms) will try the “tight machine” settings on other coil.
Biggest concern was breaking the 43 awg pickup wire. I didn’t break it on first try. Gives me some confidence that I can try 44awg to get more output and darkness. 5 lbs of 43 awg is about 30 bucks more than 43awg or 42 awg
Results were successful. Pbass has upgraded pickups. Chords/intervals have that standard Pbass sound with a hum cancelling bridge pickup. I didn’t wax the pickup. Was getting some buzz but not 60 cycle hum. Grounding issues or maybe and need to wax the humbucker. The buzz not coming from neck pickup at all. Only when bridge by itself facing a tv monitor. Maybe a combination of the two.
The louder bridge pickup is definitely more noticeable now. But the previous one I made wasn’t too bad. Uneven winds on the humbucker added some noise but not as bad people seem to think. Dimarzio or SD have uneven wind counts on some of their original designs. Definitely something I don’t have to be tied down to. So much misinformation with guitar players or wannabe luthiers.