Heels finally, added a ton of guide curves, network curve kept adding issues to joint, still have to clean it up a little bit after final network curve. Major fun time tomorrow creating volute. I’m committed to the 7.5″ radius. The PRS SE has it I think. I play a lot of chords and diads. Don’t really shred anymore but I have my moments that’s why the paf in bridge is so nice.
Definitely going to stain the Birdseye maple I have. Gotta stop trying to make everything perfect. I know I’m just learning rhino. Once I learn how to draw curves in it, think I’m going to ditch illustrator.
Should have my hardware modeled and being able to make a neck and body templates that I can easily create new designs.
Really want to keep the prices low. I don’t think I have much competition in this niche market, most multiscales are aimed toward progressive metal players, and that’s totally saturated atm. And I don’t care. I am making a guitar that I can’t afford now. The ormsby genesis is super nice but I can’t afford one. Same with Deimel Guitarworks, amazing innovative stuff that people can’t play. I want poor ass mofos to buy this and be inspired to play.
Updated the UI in Rhino, it was so cluttered. So many redundant things. Workflow way faster now and matched the colors in my illustrator/photoshop. Learned a ton from the helix video, divide command really helpful setting guide curves, section tool is super easy. Never thought I’d use so many guide points. Can easily use select tool to delete. I’m really excited, so many things you can do in Rhino. Ideas are flowing, can really design and check things and tweak everything. Great thing about this is I can keep the prices down, with a lot of the hard cutting labor and contouring down on CNC. Finishing is always going to take a lot of time. There is no way around the cure time of the clearcoats. The turbine spray system is really easy to work with. The amount of sanding that the CNC saves so much time. I can start sanding at 220 grit.