Fv-1 Sounds pretty fun to use. I don’t have know any assembly programming but can start designing in SpinCad. And then convert to HEX in SpincadASM and then to from HEX to .BIN using FV1Dev Bundle. I made a batch file so I can convert quickly to .BIN. Dev board has 3 presets the Arachnid Board has 8 totals effects. Some limitations though. Delay take up memory. Reverse Delay or Reverb doesn’t have enought memory to do longer lengths unless one drops bitrate. Not really meant to that. But I can make a cool ring mod pedal. With a ton of options not really available. Like messing with the LFO of RingMod. Or adding some delays, reverbs, other modulation options. Which I’ve been playing around with a bit. The Pedalpcb already a blend knob and output, input buffers. Larry just upgraded latest version. Has a patreon site with lots of good information.
Ring Modulation- Current sounds decent- trying to adjust frequency pot to be more square. Smooth sounds the best so far, sound like the pitch bend when adjusting delay time. Tried more square using LFO and Slicer and Power work well. Power can add a more squarish sound. The LPF is really useful for cutting out highs. The Frequency Range of Ring Mod can be adjusted. Has major impact on sound. Pedalpcb boards already have a blend and volume control. I have option of adding 3 more. One for Ring Mod Frequency, Tone controlling LPF and the last will be different, reverb level, delay time or feedback. Also knobs can control multiple values, can use scale/offset, much like on alexander pedals.
Spincad Designer to PedalPCB Dev board
1. SpinCad Designer create patches to import into Spincad ASM
2. Assemble patch in Spncad ASM create a project, load patches saves as HEX
3. Convert HEX file to Binary using FV1Dev Bundles srec_cat.exe, convert with cmd commands
4. Run ASProgrammer, open converted .BIN write to EEPROM
cd Z:\Downloads\6 FV1\appz\FV1Dev-Windows\AsProgrammer
srec_cat.exe ExampleProject.hex -Intel -o ExampleProject.bin -binary