Extrude then cap, sometimes wont cap or Extrude
try adjusting geometry in photoshop, try extrude through gumball, then solid>”Cap Planar Holes”planer
Filet command,
may need to lower value or change geometry, works better with sharper edges/corners,
“Show Edges” command if filet doesn’t work, check “Nake Edges”, it will highlight issues, select and join them to fix
Boolean Difference, cut out pocket, select first object then cutting pocket, cuts it out.
Gotta buy a router bit for 1 1/4 cut depth.
1 board foot = 144 cubic inches = 1/12 cubic foot
3.0lbs +/bf
3X144 = 432 inches3
3X 1/12=.25 ft3
48 lb/ft3 =
0.027777777129494 lb/in3
Volume = 0.115295701 (+/- 6.2e-09) cubic feet x 49= 5.534193648 lbs, not bad, gonna put an f hole to lower it more, Want this guitar to look big but be light